Monthly Archives: March 2016

ADM201 – User Setup and Login

ADM201 – User Setup and Login

User Setup and Login

User Setup

  • User’s must be associated with a license and profile
    • License => What security a user can be granted
    • Profile => What the user can do with the records they have access to
  • It is optional to assign a Role
    • Role => What records the user can see
  • Assigning Licenses, Profiles and Roles to a User Diagram

    Assigning Licenses, Profiles and Roles to a User

  • Usernames must be unique across ALL orgs (every company out there that uses SF)
  • Records can be assigned to active users or queues only
  • Localization Settings
    • Locale
      • Affects dates, times, numbers, names & addresses
      • Locale settings
    • Language (See Organization Setup)
    • Time Zone
      • Impacts references to time in date/time fields and on the calendar
    • Currency
      • If multi-currency org, the user can select their currency and SF will convert currency.
    • Chatter Profile
      • The user’s “About” profile is searchable by other users
      • This is accessed by clicking on your name and selecting “My Profile”

My Domain

  • My Domain is a way to customize the URL for your instance of Salesforce
    • Instead of seeing the salesforce subdomain at the start of the URL (the “na35” in “…”) you’ll see the My Domain name
      • (The domain changes from “” to “”)
    • When My Domain is setup you have some control over how the login page looks
      • You can add your own custom logo
        • This is the little picture above the login area
        • Image limitations .jpg, .png, .gif file up to 100kb and 250px wide by 125px tall
      • You can change the background color of the login page
      • You can change the content that is shown to the right of the login area
    • My Domain is different from the domain that is setup for Communities and the domain that is setup for Sites
      • My Domain is for your instance of Salesforce
      • There are two domains
        • One for Communities
        • One for Sites
          • In order for Live Agent Chat to be enabled you must register a Sites domain

User Login & Login Security

  • Each login is called a “Session”
  • Logging in from different locations (eg home and work) means that web access is originating from different IP addresses. Salesforce can be setup to “trust” known IP addresses. If the IP address of the login is not in a trusted IP range, then additional security measures are used to make sure it’s okay to log in.
  • 4 Login (Authentication) Methods
    • Web Browser
      • This is the method for users logging in from their computers (the user interface or UI)
      • Web browser login does not require a security token
        • (Note: Data Loader login will require a combined password + security token unless a checkbox is clicked to tell it the security token is not required)
      • Web browser login may require computer activation which entails placing a cookie in the browser so Salesforce recognizes the computer
        • This will happen if the user is logging in from an IP range that they have not used before and there is not a cookie in their browser
        • Customer and Partner Portals do not require computer activation
      • Two-Factor Authentication can be enabled
        • This means that each time a user logs in they will need to use an authenticator app on their mobile device to verify their session
        • What happens is when the user logs in, the authenticator app will prompt them to verify the session
          • Verification can be either entering a code that the authenticator app provides into the login page, or simply clicking an “Approve” button on the mobile device
    • API (eg. Data Loader)
      • Does not require computer activation
      • May require security token (when logging in outside of a trusted IP range)
    • Single Sign On (SSO)
      • This is a login to the company network which then grants access to all the company resources available to the user with no additional login
      • “Social Sign-On” is an example of this where a user can access Salesforce after they have signed in through a third-party authentication provider such as LinkedIn or Facebook
      • My Domain must be enabled before you can use the following:
        • SSO
        • Two-factor authentication
        • Lightning components
    • OAuth
      • Allows external applications to ask the user for permission to access Salesforce data (eg. Chatter Desktop)
  • Login URLs
    • Production – default:
    • Production – with My Domain enabled:
    • Sandbox –
  • Login Hours
    • Login Hours restrict login to specified hours
    • Login hours are applied to a Profile (EE, UE, DE) so all the users assigned to that profile will have restricted login hours
      • Login hours cannot be opened up with a permission set
    • One way to use login hours is to prevent login during maintenance times
    • Users who are logged in when their Login Hours end can continue to view their current page, but cannot take any further action
  • Login IP Ranges
    • An IP address identifies the host or network and physical location where the web access is originating
    • By default users can login from any IP address
    • Login IP Ranges restrict login to specific IP addresses
    • Applies to a Profile (EE, UE, DE) so all the users assigned to that profile will have restricted login IP ranges
      • Login IP range restrictions cannot be lifted with a permission set
  • Trusted IP Ranges
    • Trusted IP Ranges remove login restrictions from specified IP addresses so computer activation and security tokens are NOT required
    • This applies org-wide but login IP range restrictions placed on the Profile level will override this setting and restrict the users of that profile to the specified IP ranges
  • Computer Activation (Identity Confirmation)
    • Computer activation is required when the identity of the login request cannot be confirmed
      • The user has not logged in from the IP range before (Spring ’16 – if a user logs in from an unrecognized device they will be prompted to verify the session, even if they have previously logged in from the same IP address)
      • The user does not have a cookie in their browser
    • To identify the login is valid a 5-digit security code is sent to the user
    • There are two methods that are used for sending the security code
      • An Email is sent with the security code
      • An SMS (Simple Message Service) text is sent with the security code
        • If the user has a mobile number listed on their Profile SMS will be the default method (set at the org-wide Security Control > Session Settings level which can only be disabled by SF)
        • The Sys Admin can re-enables email identify confirmation with an “Allow email-based identity confirmation” Permission Set
        • If the user does not have a mobile number on file they will be prompted at login to provide one, or to check a box that they do not have one
        • What happens if a phone is lost or inaccessible and a user needs a security code?
          • There are three things that the Sys Admin can do to enable the user to quickly get their security code via email
            • Add the IP address to the trusted IP range list
            • Remove their mobile number from their Profile
            • Assign the “Allow email-based identity confirmation” permission via a Permission Set
          • What if you’re a solo admin and you need a security code?
            • You must log a case with SF to have your mobile number removed from your Profile
            • To avoid this scenario, assign the “Allow email-based identity confirmation” Permission Set
          • With a successful login a cookie is placed in the browser and the IP address is recorded in that user’s IP address list. These notations will tell SF on subsequent logins that the computer is activated
          • Activations can be viewed from Setup > Security Controls > Activations
  • Security Token
    • A security token is a 24-character alpha-numeric string that must be appended to the end of a password in certain circumstances in order for the login to authenticate
    • Security tokens are required for login via API, unless the login is from a trusted network
    • The security token changes when the password changes
    • The user can also request a new security token at any time
      • (In Classic View: My Settings > Reset My Security Token)
  • Login Attempt Limit
    • You can adjust the number of times a user can attempt to login before they are locked out for a period of time
    • These two events count toward the login attempt limit:
      • Each time a user is prompted to confirm their identity (eg, when a user clicks “Email me a verification code”)
      • Each time the user incorrectly adds the security token or time-based token to their password to long via the API
  • Two-Factor Authentication
    • When a user logs in, Salesforce looks at the device to see if it is a known device, and if it’s not recognized, will require additional verification before granting the user access
    • There are 4 ways Salesforce will verify the session (in this order)
      • 1. Via push notification to the Salesforce Authenticator mobile app connected to the user’s account
        • The user taps an “Approve” button on the app to verify the session (new feature Spring ’16)
      • 2. Via a Time-Based One-Time Password (code) that is generated by a mobile authenticator app, like Google Authenticator, connected to the user’s account
        • The code changes periodically
      • 3. Via a verification code that is sent via text to the user’s mobile device
        • If user’s do not have a verified mobile number they’re prompted to register one when they log into Salesforce. Registering a mobile number verifies it and enables this method when the user is challenged in the future
        • The user has the option of telling Salesforce they do not want to register a mobile number, which will turn off the request for one that they see at login
      • 4. Via a code sent to the user’s email address
        • This code expires after 24 hours
    • Two-Factor Authentication can be enabled at two levels:
      • For the entire org
      • For individual Profiles (new feature Spring ’16)
        • In the Session Settings section, look for “Session security level required at login”
          • “None” is the default
          • “High Assurance” enables Two-Factor Authentication for all users assigned to the Profile
  • SMS Identity Confirmation
    • This is when a user is not allowed to login until they enter a verification code that is sent to their mobile device
    • SMS Identity Confirmation is used whenever a user attempts to login from an unknown IP address
    • This feature is enabled by default for all Salesforce users, and settings can be adjusted if a user does not have a mobile phone
  • Temporary Verification Code
    • This was a new feature with the Summer ’16 Release
    • If a user isn’t able to verify their login because they don’t have their mobile device with them, an Admin can generate a Temporary Verification Code that they can use to log in
    • The Temporary Verification Code expires in 8 hours, or can be expired earlier than that by the Admin
    • Once the Admin gets the code they must share it with the user right away because it becomes invisible to them as soon as they click away from the user’s record
  • Registered User Identity Verification Methods
    • There are four verification methods that users can register as ways their session can be verified
      • Has Verified Mobile Number
      • Has One-Time Password App
      • Has Salesforce Authenticator
      • Has Temporary Code

User Switcher

User Switcher

If a user has multiple usernames on the same or on different Salesforce orgs, the User Switcher (new with the Summer ’16 Release)  allows the user to log into any of the orgs they have access to without having to open a new tab or window and log into that org separately. This feature works in Lightning Experience only.



ADM201 Study Notes Index

disclaimerDisclaimer: Always do your own due diligence! Although I tried my best to record accurate and understandable notes, actual Salesforce documentation should always take precedence over the information in this blog. 🙂

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Posted by on March 31, 2016 in ADM201



ADM201 – Editions and Licenses

ADM201 – Editions and Licenses

Editions and Licenses



  • There are several Editions of Salesforce available
    • Editions provide different sets of functionality
    • Some Editions are:
      • For the Sales Cloud:
        • Professional, Enterprise & Unlimited Editions
      • For the Service Cloud:
        • Enterprise & Unlimited Editions
      • For a combined Sales & Service Cloud:
        • Performance Edition
      • (customer support for small business)
      • SalesforceIQ (CRM for small business)
      • (B2B prospecting & data cleansing)
      • Developer Edition (for the developer, this is similar to Enterprise Edition with a limited storage and a variety of sales and service cloud licenses in limited numbers
    • With the Summer ’16 Release the Professional, Enterprise, and Unlimited editions were optimized and renamed “Lightning Professional,” “Lightning Enterprise,” and “Lightning Unlimited,” however, the documentation usually omits “Lightning” in the name for conciseness
    • The difference between and Service Cloud:
      • Both are meant for Customer Service
      • Service Cloud editions are for businesses that are account-centric (versus case-centric) where service agents need a full view of the customer including marketing, product management, contracts, order management, and/or billing data
      • is for businesses that are very case-centric (versus account-centric) where requests from customers usually involve single problems rather than interconnected issues
      • vs. Service Cloud vs. Service Cloud

Editions Diagram PDF



  • Licenses come in a few varieties:
    • User Licenses are the licenses that are assigned to each user
      • Standard User
      • Chatter User
      • Communities User
      • Service Cloud Portal User
      • Sites & User
      • Authenticated Web User
    • Permission Set Licenses (PSL’s) are used to give users access to added functionality, such as Wave Analytics or Identity Connect, from the basic Edition functionality
      • A Permission Set License is different from a Permission Set
      • Certain Permission Sets require that a PSL is present first
        • Once a user has been assigned a PSL, they can then be assigned permissions that the license opened up for them. They get the permissions via a Permission Setpsl
      • In other words, with just a PSL a user cannot do anything, but once they have an accompanying permissions assigned to them via a Permission Set they have access to the new functionalitypsl2
      • Examples of PSL’s include:
        • Analytics Cloud – Wave Analytics Platform
        • Analytics Cloud Explorer
        • Field Service Dispatcher
        • Field Service Mobile
        • Field Service Scheduling
        • Field Service Standard
        • Identity Connect
        • Orders Platform
        • Sales Analytics Apps (this is a Wave Analytics app)
        • Sales Console User
        • Service Analytics Apps (this is a Wave Analytics app)
      • PSL’s were introduced Winter ‘14
        • Prior to Winter ’14 no permissions existed that required a PSL
        • These licenses superseded the prior Feature License
    • Feature Licenses (now obsolete) added additional functionality to the basic Editions
      • These licenses were superseded by Permission Set Licenses as of Winter ‘14
    • Usage-Based Entitlements
    • Salesforce License Overview
    • Salesforce Standard User Licenses
  • There are a few types of User Licenses that are no longer being used:
    • Customer Portal & Partner Portal User licenses (these have been replaced with the Communities User license)
    • Authenticated Website User license
  • Examples of Permission Set Licenses include (but not limited to):
    • Identity Connect
    • Orders Platform
    • Sales Console User
    • Employee Community User for
  • Examples of Feature Licenses include (but not limited to):
    • Chatter Answer User
    • Knowledge User
    • Live Agent User
    • Marketing User
    • Mobile User
    • Offline User
    • Service Cloud User
    • Flow User
    • Salesforce CRM Content User
    • Contributor & Publisher Users
    • User
  • Different licenses are used in different editions
    • Salesforce User Licenses are used in the Sales Cloud and Service Cloud editions
    • Salesforce Platform and Licenses are used for custom apps
    • Chatter Licenses are used for Chatter

Difference Between Org, Environment, and Instance


  • An Org is a customer’s version of Salesforce
    • Examples include a Production org, a Sandbox, and a Developer’s org
  • An Instance, or POD (Point of Deployment) is a group of customer Orgs
    • An Instance includes:
      • The application server
      • The database server
      • The database itself
      • The search and file system
    • The Instance is the three or four character designation in the URL such as NA3, and CS6
  • An Environment is an Org that is used for a specific purpose
    • The Production Org is the main or “live” Environment
    • A Sandbox is a Development, Testing, or Training Environment
  • Link to great article on this topic

Other Salesforce Products

    • This is an all-in-one customer support app for small businesses and teams
    • Blog
  • Heroku
    • This is a cloud-based application platform for building and deploying web apps
    • Heroku Changelog
  • LiveMessage
    • This is a feature for receiving text messages on the same landline or 800 number that customers use for phone calls and sending text messages back to the customers
    • LiveMessage Resources
  • Social Studio
    • This is a product for engaging with customers across social sites such as Twitter and Facebook



ADM201 Study Notes Index


Disclaimer: Always do your own due diligence! Although I tried my best to record accurate and understandable notes, actual Salesforce documentation should always take precedence over the information in this blog. 🙂

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Posted by on March 30, 2016 in ADM201



ADM201 & ADM211 – A Note About My Notes

ADM201 & ADM211 – A Note About My Notes

While studying for my ADM201 and ADM211 certifications I made an extensive outline of the material I reviewed. The time I put into it served two purposes: to learn the material to pass the exams (duh! 😉 ), and to create a resource where I could easily look up answers to questions I may have on down the line.

I shared my ADM201 notes with a couple of my study group partners, and they indicated that they really helped them as they were preparing for the exam. One even went so far as to say I could probably sell my outline for a small charge, but not knowing how I was going to market it, and also not wanting to shoulder the responsibility of there being an error that could possibly lead someone astray, I’ve decided not to go that route.

Instead I’m going to publish the notes in this blog over the next few weeks…one post for each topic.


caveatAnd here is my caveat to anyone who chooses to use them: always do your own due diligence! If something doesn’t sound/look/feel right, research it! Do not take my notes as the end-all and be-all of information about the platform and all the things that it can do!

Although I worked long and hard to ensure that I was as accurate as possible, there are a few factors that play a part in the possibility of problems with the notes: The first is that Salesforce is constantly changing. How many times a year are there updates? Three? Four? The number is beside the point–with every update things change, which may render portions of my notes obsolete.

And here’s a good one: when I took the ADM 201 exam (January, 2016) Lightning Experience was still very new and the exam did not cover Lightning-specific features. Since that time the expansion of Lightning has been exponential, and my notes may not cover these key features.

warningYet another reason that you should always do your own due diligence is that I was still pretty green when I worked through the ADM201 material. I was still learning Salesforce. But that statement would imply that one day you could possibly know everything there is to know about Salesforce. That’s laughable because Salesforce is always changing, so how could you possibly ever get to the end?! In a recent conversation I had with a 20+ year MVP veteran of Salesforce, he mentioned that just keeping up with the constant changes is a full-time job. So “buyer beware” that although I did my best to understand the material and translate it into an outline that makes sense to someone who is fairly new to the platform, I may not have understood the material correctly and as a consequence may not have translated it correctly.

Lastly, it is my intention to keep these notes, at least for a while, as a “work in progress” meaning that as I reference them and as I learn more nuances of the platform or there are changes, I’ll make adjustments here and there. That doesn’t mean that I’ll be on a constant look out for changes that need to be made. It means that I’ll make changes as I notice changes need to be made. 🙂

sticky notes




ADM201 Study Notes Index


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Posted by on March 30, 2016 in ADM201, ADM211


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Add Splash Page to Custom Object Tab

Add Splash Page to Custom Object Tab

Did you know that you can add a splash page to a tab for a custom object and that splash page can be an image, a video, or a URL? Well, you can. Here are some instructions for doing just that.

Note: This will only work on tabs for custom objects, and is not an option for standard objects.

Splash Page With URL

We’ll start here because it’s a simple two-step process:

  1. Create a Custom Link
  2. Add that link to the Tab of a custom object

Create a Custom Link

  • From Setup go to Customize > Home > Custom Links
    • Setup > Customize > Home > Custom Links
  • Click the New button and enter a Label and Name for your link
  • Select the behavior for the window that will display the website
  • Paste the URL for the site into the formula area
    • Setup ></dt><dd class=


Add Custom Link to Custom Tab

  • Now go to Setup > Customize > Create > Tabs
  • Select a Tab and click Edit
    • Custom Object Tabs
  • In the Splash Page Custom Link drop-down box, select the Custom Link you created in the first step and click Save
    • Custom Tab Definition
  • Here is the resulting splash page:
    • URL Splash Page Result
  • To move past the splash page to the object, click the “Continue” button on the lower right corner of the page


Splash Page to Image or Video

If you want an image or a video to show on the splash page instead of a URL to a website, there is one additional preliminary step to take: create a Static Resource that stores the item you want displayed.

  1. Create a Static Resource
  2. Create a Custom Link to the Static Resource
  3. Add the Custom Link to the Tab of a custom object

Create a Static Resource

  • From Setup, go to Develop > Static Resources and click the New button
    • Setup &gt; Develop &gt; Static Resources
  • Enter a Name and select a file from your computer to upload into the Static Resource, then click Save
    • Static Resource Setup
  • On the detail page for the Static Resource, right click on the “View file” link and select “Copy link address.” This puts a copy of the link address onto the clipboard.
    • Get Link to Static Resource


Create a Custom Link and Add It to a Tab

  • Now got to Customize > Home > Custom Links and create a Custom Link as before and paste the link (which is on the clipboard) into the formula area
    • Link to Static Resource
  • Finally, go to Customize > Create > Tabs, select a Tab, and for the Splash Page Custom Link, select your new Custom Link
    • Custom Tab Definition
  • The Result:
    • Splash Page with Image


Side Note

When you create a link to a Static Image there is a “time stamp” included in the link. In this example the time stamp is “1458846290000.” The time stamp does not need to be included in the link for this solution to work.

Custom Link With Time Stamp

Custom Link With Time Stamp

Custom Link Without Time Stamp

Custom Link Without Time Stamp


Make it a Great Day!



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Posted by on March 24, 2016 in Images, User Experience


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